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January 2019

A new year…a blank page…a chance to start over…

I’m one of those who choose a Word for the Year…I find it’s kinder than making resolutions…a guiding force rather than an ultimatum. My word for this year is REFRESH…a chance to look something over, keep what’s working, throw out what’s not, tweak and tinker until it feels right.

Top on my list of things to refresh is my social media - mainly my website. I’ve not always been the best with keeping in touch, but I’m hoping that creating a monthly newsletter will let you know on a regular basis what I’ve been up to, where you can find me (workshops and art shows) and offer you a creative insight or nudge. There’s a place down at the bottom of the page to sign up for this monthly newsletter that will be sent to your email…and don’t worry - I’m not selling this info to anyone nor will I bombard you with needless requests.

Other things that need refreshing…a few new art techniques, a better approach to organizing papers and fabrics, a daily practice to move my body as well as my creative spirit. My enthusiasm and optimism is always high at the beginning of a project - as I’m sure is the case with most people. I hope to keep it going throughout the year - and likewise give you a nudge or a word of encouragement when you might need it…let’s travel along and see what the year will bring…