September 2019
As the calendar page turns over, the weather seems to be changing ever so slightly…the shorter days, the nip in the morning air. The events of the world seem ever more crazy…which is why I sometimes spend my time immersed in art…it soothes the soul and gives me hope.
One of the places that I visit is the online website of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. We made a point of spending a day at the museum when the Southern Man and I visited Amsterdam in April 2018.
One of the most popular paintings is Vermeer’s “The Milkmaid”. It is a rather small painting - only 18” x 16” but its presence is mesmerizing…as evidenced by the large crowd constantly surrounding it.
An equally popular painting is Rembrandt’s “The Night Watch. The polar opposite of “The Milkmaid” singular woman in quiet solitude, “The Night Watch” is a huge painting - 143” x 172” and contains a cast of characters, magnificently displayed on a large wall at the end of the Great Hall.
Starting in July 2019, a restoration of “The Night Watch” is being performed…and yes, I do mean performed since the entire process is on view to the public, right in the gallery. Though I would love to see this in person, you can view the on-going process here -
Did you also know that the entire collection of the museum is online and available for you to download images from the galleries…and then play around as you like…
I downloaded this scribe hard at work…but decided he needed a halo of a pink dahlia…
A bit closer to home…if you’d like to view local art…I’m participating in a three person gallery show at Sisters Restaurant here in Everett. Tuesday Sands, myself and Jody Cain will be co-mingling our artistic creations which will be showcased at the restaurant for the entire months of September and October.
And if you’re not able to make it to Everett…my artwork is highlighted in the newly released “Vintage Life”, one of the volumes that are part of the Encyclopedia of Inspiration published by Janine Vangool of Uppercase Magazine. Profiling a wide assortment of artists living/breathing/using vintage materials, its a cornucopia of delight! I’m thrilled to be included. To learn more about the book, Uppercase and order a copy, visit
Just one more thing…due to popular demand…a second session of my Scrap Collage workshop has been added on September 7…find all the details and registration information on my Calendar page.
whew…that was a lot of art…anticipating there was something to inspire you…and to give you hope…