June 2021
As we move into summer, I’ve been working on a few new original collage compositions. Sometimes the pieces fall into place almost effortlessly…sometimes its a struggle to find the right fit, whether its color or tone, placement or size, too much going on that muddles the message or too little happening that the story is left untold.
The image above (without the quote) is a snapshot of one of the collages I am working on…one in which I was struggling. I wanted to include the old car speedometer dial but couldn’t make it fit cohesively…until it fell over on its side…and the lightbulb went off!
I love it when the simplest answer is the best solution…there’s rarely anything to be gained from making something more complicated than it needs to be. Slow, steady, simple…seems like the perfect summer mantra.
And as summer approaches, I’m thinking about offering a few small group in-person workshops…nothing complicated or involved…just a chance to get your hands moving and spark your creative spirit. If you wouldn’t mind taking a brief survey to help me gauge interest, I’d appreciate it. The survey can be found here.
I finally had the chance to visit my sister on the other side of the state…its been a while since I’ve travelled beyond my neighborhood! We spent a little bit of time junking…I picked up a few things…I know I said I wasn’t going to buy any art supplies this year and just use what I already have…but it was a package of rubber stamps for $1.00 - unused! The biggest benefit of the purchase was not the stamps…but the simple solution I discovered for scraps. Last month’s newsletter had me creating with paper scraps…this month its rubber scraps…
I hope that you have been well and safe these past months…it feels like a bit of normalcy is returning. Stay tuned for information on workshops and events I plan for the summer…but meanwhile, take it slow and keep life simple.